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10 Tips for Dealing for Acne Prone Skin 

Dealing with Prone Skin?  You're not alone. Over 90% of people will battle with acne at some point their lives.  Whether your struggle is mild or more severe, these daily tips may help.

1. Don't Over-Dry Your Skin: Resisting the urge to go all out with astringents and acne treatments is key. Dry skin equals irritated skin, and that's a risk for more acne. Instead, follow the instructions on your acne treatments and keep that skin comfortable and happy by keeping it hydrated and moisturized.

2. Be Picky About Products: Watch out for makeup, skincare, and hair products that might be triggering breakouts. Opt for items labeled "non-comedogenic" or "won't clog pores" to keep blemishes at bay.  And remember- your skin is different than anyone else's-so what might irritate you could be something that wouldn't irritate anyone else.  Always only add one new thing to your skin routine at a time-that way if your skin acts up-you know why. 

3. Trying New Acne Treatments: Trying a new acne treatment every week can irritate your skin. It will often take 6-8 weeks to notice a difference and 4-12 months to clear your skin. 

4. No Sleeping in Makeup: Even non-comedogenic makeup can lead to acne if you hit the hay without removing it. Always cleanse your face before bed, no exceptions! If you are too tired to wash- grab a clean/soft cloth and some warm water and at least remove your makeup. 

5. Don't Over Wash your Face: Washing your face multiple times a day can irritate your skin, causing more breakouts. Stick to washing—morning and night. If you went to the gym and got sweaty, at least rinse off. 

6. Don't Share Makeup: Sharing makeup can transfer bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells, even if the products are non-comedogenic. Keep your makeup to yourself!

7. Applying Acne Treatments only to Breakouts: Don't just treat existing blemishes; spread a thin layer of acne medication evenly over acne-prone areas to prevent new breakouts.

8. Be Gentle When Cleansing: Scrubbing aggressively won't help your acne, in fact it often makes it worse by increasing inflammation.  Use a mild, non-comedogenic cleanser and apply it gently with your fingertips. Talk to an Acne Specialist at Skin Studio to find out which cleanser is best for your skin. 

9. Pat Sweat, Don't Rub: Roughly rubbing sweat away can irritate your skin. Use a clean towel to gently pat sweat off during workouts. After you're done, cleanse or rinse with water to remove sweat and bacteria. 

10. Resist the Urge to Pop: Popping or squeezing acne can worsen inflammation, leading to more noticeable acne, scarring, and pain. Come see a professional for proper extractions.

Remember, if these tips don't do the trick, it might be time to consult an Acne Specialist for personalized advice. Clearer skin is within reach for everyone with the right help!   Message us at Skin Studio- we would love to help. 

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